Revolutionizing Marine Resources

Innovative Marine Biotech Solutions

Marine Spark is a forward-thinking biotech company based in Tromsø, Norway. We focus on utilizing marine resources and leading kelp reforestation efforts. Particularly in northern Norway, with a commitment to environmental sustainability and growth. Read more on Our Story.

Exploring Marine Innovations

Driving sustainable solutions through cutting-edge marine biotechnology for a better future.

Eco Solutions

Marine Spark are in the prosess of developing an eco-friendly products for the fish farming industry

Scientific knowledge

Advanced scientific knowledge and research for  the utilization of sea urchins


Revolutionizing industry with cutting-edge advancements

Empowering Ocean

Research Dive

Delve into cutting-edge research to uncover innovative solutions that benefit marine life and ecosystems

Bio Conservation

Protect and preserve marine biodiversity through advanced biotechnological techniques and sustainable practices

Ocean Regen

Revitalize ocean habitats by implementing regenerative practices that foster marine ecosystem health and resilience

Get in Touch!

Reach out to Marine Spark for innovative marine biotech solutions and collaborations.
