Think Green, Think Blue

Revolutionizing Marine Resources

Innovative Marine Biotech Solutions

Marine Spark is a forward-thinking biotech company based in Tromsø, Norway. We focus on utilizing green seaurchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and leading kelp reforestation efforts. Particularly in northern Norway, with a commitment to environmental sustainability and growth. Read more on Our Story.

Innovating for a Sustainable Blue Economy

Eco Solutions

Developing eco-friendly products for the fish farming industry, revolutionizing the feed component in fish feed. 

Scientific knowledge

Advanced scientific knowledge and research for  the utilization of sea urchins. We collaborate with highly skilled and knowledgeable research institutions.


Revolutionizing industry with cutting-edge advancements to offer the best quality on our marine feed-product.

Our partners

Marine Spark X AS

Framstredet 10

9019 Tromsø, Norway

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